Other PicoMicroYacht

Friday 6 July 2012

Rowing for Pleasure

Chris Partridge has kindly referenced me on his brilliant Rowing for Pleasure blog, a goldmine of interesting features about creative self-propelled boating.

He captures the enjoyment of simple boating ideas, if possible using oars and facing the wrong way when going slowly forwards.

It is great to get a mention of my cross Channel rowing attempt at the end of July, and he has indicated what I would like to to do eventually - rowing along the south coast to the west country in short bursts when the time and weather permits.

Up to now I have rowed from Gillingham to Dover and in the last three weeks I have been training in the Solent and in South Devon for the Channel row.

His blog is on:




In the blog he is right about those flappy things (his name for sails) making it more likely to capsize a boat. I made the mistake this week of putting on the full Laser sailing rig and going out in a high wind (er.. gusting force 4) with my nephew Andrew. Inevitably I capsized (well, actually waving at my wife who was taking a photograph; vanity comes before a fall) and was able to try out my self-inflating life jacket, my mobile aquapac and a capsize drill. Fortunately all three worked so I have been able write this blog. I was very impressed with Andrew's patience.

Back to more training in PicoMicroYacht at the Salcombe entrance, rowing over the bar to take a look at the sea.

Incidentally, there is a poem by Alfred Tennyson about the Salcombe bar.

'Crossing the Bar'

SUNSET and evening star,

And one clear call for me!

And may there be no moaning of the bar,

When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,

Too full for sound and foam,

When that which drew from out the boundless deep

Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,

And after that the dark!

And may there be no sadness or farewell,

When I embark;

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place

The flood may bear me far,

I hope to see my Pilot face to face

When I have crost the bar.

By the way, this is my favourite sung version:

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